Did you know that the National Training Center/Fort Irwin is the home of the Mojave Desert Tortoise?
The desert tortoises live in desert valleys between about 1,000 and 4,000 feet in elevation. Typically they are found in creosote bush, where scattered shrubs provide abundant space for growth of grasses and wildflowers, the favored foods of the tortoise. They spend about 95% of their lives in burrows, emerging to feed and mate during late winter and remaining active through the spring.
Getting this up close and personal to a tortoise is not advised unless your visiting one in captivity.
You can visit our tortoises, scorpions, tarantulas, millipedes and other insects at our ‘mini zoo’ by appointment. For appointments please call our DPW wildlife biologist at 760-380-6435 for a brief visit with some of our desert denizens.