Fort Irwin Garrison Commander Col. Lane A. Bomar and Silver Valley Unified School District Superintendent of Schools Jesse Najera teamed up Oct. 31, 2023, to sign a Memorandum of Agreement that agreement will further enhance our youth programs here and bring more resources to the families that use them.
According to Najera, the MOA signed today involves a grant from the state of California that will allow Fort Irwin to expand the assistance it offers to families participating in after-school sports, arts, tutoring, early learning, kindercare and other enrichment programs. It will also provide additional funding to nutrition assistance services.
“This [will] allow us to expand the programs and increase enrollment assistance offered from about 60 children to an additional 90, potentially,” Najera explained. “It will also allow us to enroll more children in the eight-hour day camps over the summer months and during spring break.”
“Ultimately, this is really going to help those moms who want to work and need child care, and– more importantly,” Najera added. “It’s going to give kids here a lot more opportunities.”
It’s not just young children who will benefit; the agreement also includes assistance for teen programs and will give more access to foster kids and English-learners that did not previously qualify for financial assistance.
Brandi Crist, Fort Irwin Family and MWR director, said she is confident this is going to improve the quality of life for kids here on post and give working families a helping hand.
“Right now we have teens at home who are babysitting while their parents and caregivers work,” Crist said. “This is going to give a lot of those teens a chance to get involved in sports and other enrichment [activities] as their younger siblings are able to be enrolled in the after-school daycare programs.”
Crist stressed the importance of structured after-school programs where children and teens have a chance to learn, develop and enjoy camaraderie with their peers.
“It’s all about giving children more opportunities and making life better for families here at Fort Irwin,” Bomar added after signing.
For more information contact the Fort Irwin Family and MWR office.