56th Civil Engineer Squadron
Mission: Provide technically sound combat-ready engineers to build, sustain and protect Luke Air Force Base through engineering and emergency response services
Demographics: There are 241 active-duty and 110 civilian members assigned
Commander: Lt. Col. Gregory Mayer
Deputy commander: Neil Wentz
Superintendent: Chief Master Sgt. Jacob Campbell
First sergeant: Master Sgt. Israel Navarro
Responsibilities: The 56th CES includes fire protection, explosive ordnance disposal, readiness, design and construction, environmental programs, family housing and operations, and maintenance of Luke AFB and the 1.7-million acre Barry M. Goldwater Range. The fire department, along with readiness and EOD flights, take part in a robust mutual-aid agreement with several surrounding communities. EOD and the installation management flight lead with new programs that enhance Luke and the surrounding community, as well as assist personnel with housing needs. The engineering flight works strategic planning issues for future development and oversees design, construction and repair of base assets. The operations flight, the largest flight in CES, maintains air conditioning, grounds, roads, oversees the maintenance and repair of all on base infrastructure, as well as, the four runways at Luke, Gila Bend and Aux 1.
Fun facts: The 56th CES’s lineage makes it one of the oldest wing units. On July 28, 1947, the unit was first designated Squadron “C,” 56th Airdrome Group at Selfridge Field, Michigan. Currently, the squadron is better known as the Dragonslayers, a tradition that dates back to the early 1990s.
56th Force Support Squadron
Mission: Deliver essential services and information to the total force customer
Demographics: There are 96 active-duty, 65 appropriated personnel fund civilians and 294 nonappropriated fund civilians assigned
Commander: Lt. Col. Tonya Mack
Deputy commander: Todd Wirt
Operations officer: Capt. Adam Sellers
Superintendent: Chief Master Sgt. Marjon Robertson
First sergeant: Master Sgt. Randolph Rundio
Responsibilities: Airmen regeneration, sustain and enhance careers, promote wellness and fitness, provide dependent care and wellness, educate and connect Airmen, provide personnel readiness and deployment support, mortuary and casualty services, and honor guard support.
Fun facts: The FSS motto is “Supporting the Brave from Cradle to Grave” due to us taking care of young infants in the child development center to performing mortuary services and many responsibilities in between.
56th Logistics Readiness Squadron
Mission: Provide responsive logistics to train the world’s finest F-35 and F-16 pilots while rapidly deploying mission-ready forces in support of joint operations worldwide
Demographics: There are 249 military and 51 civilian members assigned
Commander: Lt. Col. Greg Boschert
Operations officer: Maj Dave Musgrave
Superintendent: Chief Master Sgt. Stephen Kazmirski
First sergeant: Master Sgt. Alex Isla
Responsibilities: The 56th LRS provides sustainment and logistics support for the 56th Fighter Wing, 944th FW and the Gila Bend Auxiliary Airfield. The deployment and distribution flight administers daily mission and contingency operations support through logistics planning, cargo receiving and movement, household goods and passenger movement, vehicle and air terminal operations, and ensures all Luke warfighters are ready to support combatant commander requirements. The materiel management flight sustains the Air Force’s largest fighter wing with aircraft parts, consumables and permanent mission support kits through its flight service center, storage and customer service sections, and furnishes direct supply liaison support to the 56th Maintenance Group. The vehicle management flight performs materiel control, quality analysis, and general purpose, specialized and heavy equipment maintenance for the wing’s 740-vehicle fleet. The fuels management flight dispenses clean, safe JP-8 jet fuel, ground fuel, and cryogenic products to the base through its 24-hour fuels information service center and flightline refueling operations. The readiness section postures more than 250 personnel to support joint logistics operational requirements worldwide, while operations compliance executes quality assurance, training, resource management and systems responsibilities to support daily squadron operations.
Fun facts: The Latin motto on the LRS patch, “Semper Expeditus,” translates to “Always Ready.” The 56th LRS maintains one of the highest deployment tempos in the Air Education and Training Command. The unit is proud of their heritage and their “Outlaw” name.
56th Communications Squadron
Mission: Provide, operate and maintain communications resources to facilitate training the world’s finest F-35 and F-16 fighter pilots and maintainers, while deploying mission-ready warfighters and maintainers
Demographics: There are 93 military and civilian personnel assigned and five contractors
Commander: Maj. Lewis Sorvillo
Superintendent: Senior Master Sgt. Jason Lohr
First sergeant: Tech. Sgt. Nicholas Jackson
Plans and resources flight director/deputy: Michael Petz
Operations flight director: Harlan Hodgson
Responsibilities: Maintain automatic data processing equipment and provide computer services, personal wireless communications systems, records management, publications and forms, network infrastructure, postal services, spectrum management, knowledge management services, and telecommunications and information assurance for Luke Air Force Base.
Fun facts: The squadron motto, “Loquimini Tonitrum,” means “Speak the Thunder.”
56th Contracting Squadron
Mission: Provide best value acquisition capabilities while setting the standard in acquisition support
Demographics: There are 20 military and 23 civilian members assigned
Commander: Lt. Col. Rochelle Smith
Director of business operations: Mary Peetz
Superintendent: Master Sgt. Shane Cummins
Responsibilities: The 56th CONS awards on average $60 million annually in appropriated and nonappropriated funded contracts, and manages more than $300 million in commodity, service, and construction contracts supporting the 56th Fighter Wing, the 944th FW, Fort Tuthill Air Force Recreational Area, Gila Bend Air Force Auxiliary Field, the 1.7 million acre Barry M. Goldwater Range and other key tenant units. The 56th CONS consists of three operational flights: Services/commodity flight, construction/commodity flight, and plans and programs flight. In addition, CONS serves as the installation program management office for the 56th FW Government Purchase Card Program. The GPC program office manages 233 cardholders, 94 billing officials and more than 22,000 transactions with expenditures averaging $10.5 million annually. Additionally the 56th CONS trains, equips and deploys contingency contracting officers worldwide as part of the U.S. Air Force expeditionary forces.
Fun facts: Base patrons once viewed movies on the big screen in the facility. The 56th CONS building is home of the original base theater.
56th Security Forces Squadron
Mission: Defend the base community, protect resources and ensure a safe environment to train the world’s greatest F-35 and F-16 fighter pilots
Demographics: There are 159 military, 20 Department of the Air Force civilian police and 12 civilian personnel assigned
Commander: Maj. Scott Haselden
Operations officer: Capt. Kyle Morgan
Superintendent: Chief Master Sgt. Blake Holm
First sergeant: Master Sgt. Brandy Rucker
Responsibilities: Security of assigned and transient aircraft, law enforcement services, installation security, personnel security, combat arms training for all air expeditionary forces assigned to the 56th Fighter Wing and deployment of unit personnel to the area of responsibility.
Fun facts: The diamondback rattlesnake represents the 56th SFS and has 50 diamonds and six rattles. It is prevalent in the area where 56th SFS is stationed and is an appropriate symbol because it will stand its ground and strike when threatened.