WASHINGTON — Air Force officials developed a crowd-sourcing/idea website May 15 to leverage knowledge and expertise from Airmen in the field.
The CAC-enabled milSuite website provides an online presence for Airmen to offer ideas on how to revitalize Air Force Squadrons. Airmen are encouraged to address specific topics presented in the form of challenges and to help identify the best ideas by voting, commenting and sharing.
The site will be refreshed with new challenges on a periodic basis. The ideas that garner the most votes will be presented to Brig. Gen. Stephen Davis, the Revitalizing Air Force Squadron’s team lead and then to other senior Air Force leaders.
The squadron revitalization team has conducted 12 base visits and interviewed more than a thousand Airmen. According to Davis, ideas from Airmen are already driving important initiatives.
“Several of the recent changes in Air Force programs affecting squadron personnel were the direct result of Airmen in the field providing feedback under this Focus Area,” Davis said. “Our team will conduct additional base visits, but the Squadron Revitalization Idea Site provides an opportunity for the voice of every Airmen to be heard and included in the decision making process as we continue to improve the squadron as the core unit of the Air Force.”
This effort directly supports Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein’s Focus Area number one — Revitalizing Air Force Squadrons.