The 56th Security Forces Squadron handled the following incidents June 25 through July 22 at Luke Air Force Base:
SFS issued traffic citations for 51 moving violations and 11 nonmoving violations.
Traffic accidents
June 18: SFS responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident at the South Gate Visitor Center. The driver of the vehicle had returned to the car and noticed an eight-inch dent on the rear passenger bumper. The driver of the other vehicle left the scene without giving insurance information. SFS did not cite for the incident.
July 2: SFS responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident at Bldg. 528. A driver was backing from a parking spot and struck another vehicle. SFS issued one citation.
July 2: SFS responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident at Bldg. 1143. A driver was backing from a parking spot and struck another vehicle. SFS issued one citation.
July 2: SFS responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident at Bldg. 908. A driver was backing from a parking spot and struck another vehicle that was illegally parked. SFS issued two citations.
July 9: SFS responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident at the intersection of Super Sabre and Johnson streets. The accident was a fender bender that occurred at the stop sign. SFS did not cite for the accident.
July 10: SFS responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident at Bldg. 312. The driver of a street sweeper, while conducting their duties, struck a wall and a speed limit sign. SFS detected no criminal act had been committed and did not cite for the incident.
July 12: SFS responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident at South Gate. A driver rear ended a vehicle while attempting to hand the gate guard identification.
July 19: SFS responded to a report of a major vehicle accident at Bldg. 640. The accident occurred when the driver of a vehicle was driving recklessly and hit a light pole causing major damage to the vehicle. There were no injuries.
Emergency responses
June 25: SFS responded to a report of a medical emergency at the base gym. An individual complained of chest pain. The patient was treated and transported to Abrazo West for treatment.
June 26: SFS and firefighters responded to a report of a gas leak at Bldg. 545/the dining facility. SFS arrived and evacuated the facility. Shortly thereafter, Luke AFB fire services deemed the scene safe.
June 28: SFS responded to a report of a lost child at the commissary. The parent was contacted and took control of the child.
June 29: SFS responded to a report of a medical emergency at the Luke Air Force Base Exchange parking garage. A person had fallen and injured the rib cage. The patient was transported to Abrazo West for treatment.
June 30: SFS and firefighters responded to a report of a medical emergency in housing. The patient was pregnant and vomiting blood. Luke fire services treated the person.
July 4: SFS responded to a report of a domestic disturbance in housing. The alledged victim called 911 reporting a domestic violence. SFS arrived and separated the couple. SFS received reports of both individuals making assaults. Glendale police responded and took control. SFS apprehended the military member, charged and released the individual to the unit first sergeant.
July 9: SFS responded to a report of a disturbance in housing. The victim called to report domestic violence. SFS arrived on scene and separated the couple. SFS notified the military member’s first sergeant.
July 17: SFS responded to report of an individual threatening a co-worker. The subject departed the location before SFS could arrive. Glendale police also responded.
July 18: SFS responded to a warrant’s hit at the South Gate Visitor Center for unpaid funds due to Prescott. Glendale police conducted the extradition.
July 19: SFS responded to a report of a medical emergency at the base track. An individual had collapsed while running and was transported to Abrazo West for treatment.
July 19: SFS responded to a report of a medical emergency at the commissary. An individual had collapsed but refused medical treatment.
June 26: SFS observed an odor of marijuana emitting from a vehicle at the South Gate. The subject admitted to possessing the drug and was identified to be a civilian. Glendale police took control.
June 26: SFS received multiple phone calls of damage to government property at Bldg. 309. The subject reported the incident in person at SFS headquarters and was issued a citation.
June 27: SFS responded to a warrant’s hit at the South Gate Visitor Center for the offense of violating a court order from Phoenix. Phoenix police responded and conducted the extradition.
July 9: SFS responded to a report of damage to government property at the South Gate. A contractor was attempting to move a large boulder that fell from the forklift and struck the gate. SFS determined there was no malicious intent.
Alarm activations
SFS responded to 21 alarm activations on base.
Courtesy of Senior Airman
Jared Whitaker, 56th SFS