As an Air Force chaplain, it’s such a blessing and joy to care for Luke AFB Airmen and their families! Chaplain Corps members get a chance every day to make a positive impact in the lives of so many. Whether it’s hosting a resiliency retreat to Grand Canyon for our single Airmen fresh out of high school living on their own for the first time, conducting a marriage resiliency weekend for military couples at beautiful Sedona, or visiting our maintenance Airmen on the flightline where our chapel volunteers feed hundreds of Airmen a free home-cooked meal, there are so many opportunities to make an impact in the lives of thousands of Airmen each month. Highlights include: workplace visitation, weekend worship services, Vacation Bible School, family and marriage retreats, the Fall Harvest Festival and so much more!
Hosting these events costs money, and unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult for those who normally give financially and tithe toward our Chaplain Corps ministries during our worship services to do so.
One of the questions I’m often asked, and is important now more than ever, “Chaplain how can I help give back financially to support all these great opportunities you all host for Airmen?”
The easiest way to give is through online donations. STEP 1: Wave your phone over this QR code, and you’ll be directed to a secure Chaplain Corps website where you can enter your donation! Or, on a smartphone enter: https://secure.acceptiva.com/?cst=Mu3yDq. STEP 2: Fill out the quick form. Use the comment section to let us know how you’d like the donation to be used (i.e. flightline feast, Single Airmen, unit/workplace visitation, etc.). Donations can be made using Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover. One hundred
percent of your donation goes to Luke AFB Chapel.
Thanks for your generosity in partnering with us to make the greatest impact possible in the lives of Luke AFB Airmen and their families.