Currently, our country is facing arduous stressors, challenging questions and increasing demands for change. We are in the midst of a historical turning point, and the actions taken today will have implications for future generations.
As I considered various responses we can have to recent events, I thought back to a profound line from the Airman’s Creed, “I will never leave an Airman behind …” Reading such a declaration made me reflect on the selflessness it takes to accomplish the mission. Unity of this magnitude is greater than what can be seen on the outside, but rather highlights the heartbeat of the Air Force.
A scripture from my faith tradition reads, “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,” Psalm 1:1.
One of the first skills we learn in the military is how to march or walk in step. Before we comprehend all of the technical skills required for our career fields, we must learn how to navigate from one place to another. When completed successfully, marching in unison is a sign of the mutual commitment we made to serve our country.
Walking in step has nothing to do with where the people next to us are from or their background; it is about starting and finishing together. Granted, the task of unity is no simple undertaking and may require honest personal reflection. We make progress in this area when we look out for one another, and respect those to our left and right as people and fellow Airmen.
All of us can be a positive change that needs to be seen in our military. I encourage you to ensure the people in your spheres of influence are walking in step toward the right objectives. When we never leave an Airman behind, we will not falter or fail in serving our country and colleagues.
Now open …
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The Spiritual Maintenance Center is now open. It is sponsored by the Luke Air Force Base Chapel. For more information, call 623-856-6211.