The director of the Air National Guard met with Copperheads, the Airmen of the 161st Air Refueling Wing, Oct. 19, 2020, during a visit to Goldwater Air National Guard Base, Phoenix, Ariz.
During the visit, U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Michael A. Loh, director of the Air National Guard, spoke with service members, conducted a town hall style Q&A and completed a walking tour of the base.

As director, Loh is responsible for formulating, developing, and coordinating all plans, policies, and programs for more than 107,700 ANG Airmen and civilians in 90 wings and 175 geographically separated units located in 213 locations throughout the 50 states, 3 territories, and the District of Columbia.
During the base tour and mission briefing, Loh listened to Airmen speak about their personal experiences of serving in the ANG. He expressed his interest for the Airman’s wellbeing and his desire for them to stay resilient.
Having listened to Airman’s stories, Loh then conducted a town hall style Q&A, where he encouraged Airmen to tell their story ñ what they have done for the State and Nation.
Loh recognized Airmen for their accomplishments to the Wing’s varied missions by presenting Airmen with a coin of excellence.
One of the Airmen recognized was Master Sgt. James Kear, 161st Maintenance Squadron production superintendent, for his contributions to various exercises, presidential support and Wing accomplishments.
He said the National Guard is the Nation’s most effective and efficient force.
“Our motto was tested this year, ‘Always Ready Always There’, that’s what we say and we lived up to it. It’s been a year that we can take huge credit for.”