Senior Airman
Kumba Lebbie
56th Medical Group
Unit: 56th MDG
Duty Title: Diagnostic Imaging Technologist
AFSC: 4R051
Hometown: Freetown, Sierra Leone, Africa
Duty Description: Works with a radiologist to diagnose and treat patients using diagnostic imaging examinations.
Recent Accomplishments:
- Lebbie has exceeded all expectations of the career field. She was awarded Academic Excellence with a 91% for the 56-week Diagnostic Imaging program.
- She obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Biology Sciences before joining the Air Force and earned her Master of Arts in Criminal Justice while being assigned to Luke AFB. Her accomplishments have motivated the department, and five peers have obtained Community College of the Air Force degrees.
- Lebbie volunteered to be a court-appointed special advocate (CASA) member for Maricopa County. She has volunteered 120 hours and was assigned two cases to support neglected youth. In turn, she reunited a family and saved a child from domestic abuse.