Celebrate National Parents’ Day 2015


Yes, you read the headline correctly. There is such a thing as National Parents’ Day. It is celebrated in the United States on the fourth Sunday of July, which happens to be this coming Sunday.

This holiday was established in 1994 when former President Bill Clinton signed a Congressional Resolution into Law (36 U.S.C. § 135) for “recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children.” The bill was brought forth by Republican Senator Trent Lott.

I’m sure you’re asking yourself the same question that I asked myself… “but why?” We already have a Father’s Day and a Mother’s Day. Besides extra presents, and an excuse to spend a day pampering oneself, what’s the point? In a country that has a special day for almost every inane occasion, (I’m looking at you Tapioca Pudding Day), why are we doubling up for parents?

As I sat contemplatively at my desk, I came to a simple realization. Why not? Why not celebrate parents the world over? Yes we have specific days to honor our mother’s and father’s but being a parent is a full-time job and parents should be recognized at every possible opportunity.

Good parents help shape the human beings that will inherit this world. Essentially, good parents help decide the fate of the human race. It is quite the burden to bear. Too often, we overlook how important it is to raise our children properly, instilling in them the morals and values that will ultimately make our tiny blue and green planet a better place to live.

So, why not?

National Parents’ Day is a day to honor our parents. This Sunday show appreciation to them and celebrate the social construct of family. Call up your parents, take them out on the town, and show them that they are worth celebrating. Post on social media using #NationalParentsDay to encourage others to join in paying it forward.