Cyber Security tips for holiday season


With retailers increasing their efforts and starting earlier to entice holiday shoppers, many choose to do some, most or all of their purchasing on the internet, even starting Black Friday sales on Monday or extending Cyber Monday sales by a few days.

Cyber criminals do not discriminate. Guard yourself against becoming a victim. Whether shopping during the holidays or year round, be vigilant in guarding your private information through safe and sound cyber security practices.

The Department of Homeland Security has some helpful tips to keep you cyber-safe, not just during the holiday season, but year-round.

Visit for cyber security toolkit for cyber security resources for students, educators, parents, young professionals, older Americans, government, industry, small business and law enforcement. There you can also find a downloadable mobile security tip card, a social media guide, an Internet of Things tip car, and a Cyber Security While Traveling tip card.

Feel free to share your cyber security stories and/or practices with us at