The nation celebrates Women’s History Month in March and Fort Irwin will host a ceremony to honor the observance, March 11.
The event begins at 11:30 a.m. at the Sandy Basin Community Center and is hosted by the installation’s Equal Opportunity/Equal Employment Opportunity offices and Operations Group. The guest speaker will be Col. Cathy Walter, deputy commander of Nursing Services with Unites States Army Medical Department Activity here. There will also be: a testimonial video of Soldiers, family members and civilians; educational displays and booths, and; food sampling. The event is open to the Fort Irwin community
The National Women’s History Project organization selected “Weaving the Stories of Women’s Lives” as this year’s theme. The theme presents the opportunity to weave women’s stories – individually and collectively – into the essential fabric of our nation’s history. Accounts of the lives of women are critically important, because they reveal exceptionally strong role models who share a more expansive vision of what a woman can do. The stories of women’s lives, and their choices, encourage girls and young women to think larger and bolder, and give boys and men a fuller understanding of the female experience. Knowing women’s achievements challenges stereotypes and upends social assumptions about who women and what women can accomplish.
(Information was obtained from National Training Center and Fort Irwin EO Advisor Sgt. 1st Class Chadd Breit, the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute and NWHP.)