More than 7,000 American service members have been killed in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq alone since Sept. 11,…
Ah, patience! Growing up, many of you might have heard that “Patience is a virtue.” This is something that I’ve…
In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the…
Many Americans proudly fly the U.S. flag at their homes and places of work, but what do you do with…
“Sir, unless you can swim across the Pacific Ocean, you’re not going to Korea,” the travel agent told me nonchalantly….
Commanders, Please ensure wide distribution of this message. The death of George Floyd is a national tragedy. Every American should…
Who am I? I am a Black man who happens to be the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force….
“Can’t,” “don’t,” “contain” and “restrict” are negative words present everywhere in the news, the media and conversation. The threat of…
Fort Irwin, Calif – Last month I had three ball gowns hanging in my closet. I have only worn one…
Army photograph Holocaust survivors rejoice as the Army’s 45th Infantry Division liberates about 30,000 prisoners at Dachau, Germany, April 1945….