Tuesday, Nov. 26-Dec. 14 is an important date—Midterm Elections—and many military members and spouses have questions about how to register to vote and where to get out and vote.
There are a number of resources available to you. Every installation or unit is required to appoint a voting assistance officer (VAO). This person is responsible for providing information and for helping service members and their families get any materials they need to file an absentee ballot in state and federal elections. More information on Fort Irwin’s services are below.
Another source is the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP), which was established to try to make the voting process as easy as possible for service members. The program’s Web site, www.fvap.gov, explains residency requirements, voting instructions, and deadlines for each state, whether you are voting within the U.S. or from another country. You can call the national number for the FVAP at 703-588-1584.
Each state has different requirements for establishing residency. Thirty days is the maximum length of time that a state can require you to live there before you can register to vote in that state. Some states have no time requirement.
To “establish residency” means that you take steps that indicate your intent to live in the state. If you’ve paid local taxes, registered a car, received a driver’s license, or voted in a state, you’ve probably proved that you’ve been physically present in that state and that you intend to return.
Secretary of State Election Results and registration information:
Ballot information:
Installation Voting Assistance Office
Bldg 106, RM 114 Fort Irwin, CA 92310 (0800-1630)
Phone: (760) 380-3498 DSN: 470-3498
Alt. Phone: 760-380-3093
Fax: 760-380-5589
- The Installation Voting Assistance Office serves as a Voter Registration Agency under the National Voter Registration Act and provides the following services:
- Provides information on voter registration and the absentee ballot procedures
- Provides material on the voting process, requesting absentee ballot and mailing the completed forms
- Assists all Uniformed Service Members and their eligible Family members
- Registration assistance to Civilians who have access to the Voting Assistance Office
- Assists Unit Voting Assistance Officers