FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Each November the President signs a proclamation declaring November Military Family Month. This is to recognize the daily sacrifices these families make.
Fort Irwin’s Family & Morale Welfare and Recreation (MWR) hosted its second annual Spaghetti dinner at the Sam Adams club on Nov. 14. This event is sponsored by MWR as a thank you during the Month of the Military Family. All Soldiers, retirees and family members were invited to partake in the feast.
“It’s important to show our appreciation, and connect with the community,” Marion Taylor, Director of MWR, said. Taylor, along with the MWR Division Chiefs, served spaghetti dinners to more than 375 soldiers and family members.
Four-year old Cameron Goodman said the food was “yummy in my tummy,” as he enjoyed his dinner with his family of four.
The Division Chiefs served an array of pastas, sauces, meatballs, and bread sticks, along with desserts.