FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Spouses who are new to the National Training Center and Fort Irwin got a good taste of all that the installation has to offer at the Newcomer Spouses Orientation on Sept. 1.
The event was held in the Samuel Adams Ballroom and gave spouses the opportunity to learn about programs and services within the Fort Irwin community geared toward wives, husbands and families. It was also an opportunity to meet other spouses and network with members of the community.
The event included briefings from Garrison departments, a guided bus tour of key locations on post and hand-outs with important information to keep handy during their stay at Fort Irwin.
Fort Irwin’s MWR plans to conduct the Newcomer Spouses Orientation quarterly and will release the date of the next scheduled event soon.
Participants can sign up with Family and MWR Special Events at 1317 Normandy Drive, or call 760-380-3776 for details.