The Army Resilience Directorate officially launched its new website Sept. 18 at
The robust website is the Directorate’s hub for Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention, Ready and Resilient, Army Suicide Prevention, and the Army Substance Abuse Program, making it an all-inclusive site for information and resources on these programs.
ARD’s mission is to provide policy, resources, and capabilities for individuals and leaders to promote cohesive teams and positive behaviors that increase the Army’s resilience and readiness.
The site is designed with the Army’s commitment to Soldiers at top of mind, providing fundamental information for each program, as well as actionable tips, first-person accounts, and up-to-date news to truly enhance the resilience and readiness of the entire Army Family.
Sexual harassment, sexual assault, suicide prevention, and substance abuse are community issues that require community solutions. As such, ARD enlisted the support of many outside subject matter experts from each program area to review the content, ensuring the latest and most accurate information is available.
“The new website provides a wealth of information and resources in an user-friendly format, making it easier for Soldiers and Families to access prevention and resilience resources,” said Dr. James Helis, Director of ARD.
The website includes many new features and tools. Directly from the website, Soldiers in immediate need of help can instantly connect to the DOD Safe Helpline for sexual harassment and sexual assault help, to the Military Crisis Line for suicide prevention, and Military OneSource for non-medical counseling. Tools are available for individuals to evaluate their alcohol and substance use, relationships, and enhance their resilience. There is also information for men who have been sexually assaulted, the dangers of alcohol and substance use for expectant mothers, self-care, and living a sober lifestyle.
Visitors to the website now have resources to help their loved ones in various stages of crisis and tips to start difficult conversations while being mindful and aware of what their loved ones are experiencing.
Comprehensive training information and links for SHARP, Ready and Resilient, Army Suicide Prevention, and the Army Substance Abuse Programcan be found on each of the Program pages. Frequently asked questions have been compiled and answered under the main page and supporting program pages as well.
To see more of what the Army Resilience Directorate’s new website has to offer, visit