FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Saturday, Jan. 23 was a special day for the desert dwellers of the National Training Center and Fort Irwin military community. The Garrison was buzzing with activity before sunrise. The preparation was powered by flashlights glaring, diesel engines churning, and clanking of hundreds of toys being stacked into trucks— all to the melody of Christmas music. As the prep crews were staging at the Rotational Unit Forward Marshaling Area (RUFMA), the Inland Empire MOPAR Club convoyed in late model Ram pickup-trucks from various locations, to our remote corner of the High Desert to kick off the 11th annual Christmas In January event.
The event officially kicked off at high noon, like previous years under ominous skies, and blistering winds. This year, the event took place in the RUFMA. By using the RUFMA as the toy distribution site, it allowed a drive-through style event, in which residents drove up to the toy distribution site and volunteers handed toys through the vehicle windows. Once toys were received, residents could simply drive away. This maximized Centers for Disease Control and Prevention best practices for the pandemic, such as social distance and protective barriers, and ensured both visitors and volunteer staff were as safe as possible throughout the event. The NTC Command teams and family members came out to support the event. Approximately 500 families attended the drive-through portion of the event. Matt Livingston, Chief of the Community Recreation Division of the FMWR, was active behind the scenes in supporting the event this year and he had the following feelings about the event:
“I think I speak for all of the FMWR team when I say that it is truly an honor and privilege to be involved in the annual Christmas in January event,” Livingston said. “While FMWR is responsible for bringing special events and programs to the Fort Irwin community all year around, this event holds a special place in our hearts. It brings us joy to see the smiles and excitement on all the kid’s faces as they line up and receive the presents. We look forward to teaming up with the Inland MOPAR team for Christmas in January and hope this wonderful program continues each and every year.”
The pandemic dampened spirits from coast to coast for the better part of the year, and, rather than accept defeat, for all things fun, the Garrison team, showed what kinds of things are possible with a little vision and planning. “The show must go on,” is an old Hollywood mantra which the Golden State’s “Guardians” channeled to complete the mission and spread some Goodwill.
The origins of the Christmas in January event revolved around big hearted, patriotic members of the Inland MOPARs who wanted to give something back to the military community. Some of the members are veterans, others had family members who served, and some never served at all, but all adore the troops, gift-giving, and classic muscle cars. That adoration and mutual partnership has entered its 11th year and is still going strong. Each year the MOPAR Club donates toys to the Fort Irwin team to show support for the NTC and Fort Irwin mission and spread some cheer for our residents. Col. Jeanette Martin, and Command Sgt. Maj. Paul Fedorisin had boots on ground through the entirety of the event, providing proactive command guidance, and thanking volunteers and visiting families.
Following the drive-through portion of the event, cold winds and rain dampened the forecast, but not the spirits, as the virtual bike raffle commenced, at the Sandy Basin Conference Center. The raffle was live streamed on the Garrison Facebook page (, which allowed a socially-distanced opportunity to announce the winners, and for families to retrieve children’s bicycles. Martin and Fedorisin presented a certificate of appreciation to the MOPAR Club, for their enduring support to the community. Sgt. Maj. Fred Killea with the Directorate of Emergency Services coordinated several supporting actions for the event, and he said that he was humbled by the generous donations provided by MOPAR this year and looks forward to helping out next year.
The Christmas in January event reminds parents of what it feels like to be a child again. It provides a sense of purpose, direction, and motivation for the soldier, DA civilian, civilian, and family member volunteers who facilitate the event. Additionally, the families with children are afforded a final holiday gesture of generosity to start off the new year. The Garrison team truly cares about the quality of life for families who call Fort Irwin home. Rather than spending time with loved ones, the Garrison assembled a small Army of volunteers to support the event. As the night closed, and the final bikes were peddled out of Sandy Basin by celebratory youth and parent, the Inland Empire MOPAR convoy waved farewell and the Garrison crew closed everything down, dimmed the lights, locked the doors, and disappeared into the night, knowing that they accomplished something truly special. From the Christmas Tree Lighting in December to the Christmas in January, we wish you all, a happy New Year.