Gen. Ellen Pawlikowski, AFMC commander, speaks at an AcqDemo town hall meeting at AFMC headquarters on May 12, 2016. Town hall meetings and informational sessions are being held at AFMC centers and complexes for some 13,000 AFMC employees who will transition to the AcqDemo pay system on June 12, 2016.
In late May to mid-June, Air Force Materiel Command employees who will transition into the Department of Defense Civilian Acquisition Workforce Demonstration Project (AcqDemo) will receive information detailing their individual conversion into the new pay system.
The AcqDemo transition effective date is June 12, 2016.
Employees will be notified via letter through their supervisors and advised of their Position Requirements Document assignment. PRDs will identify the career path, broadband level, position tier and pay pool assignment. The PRD takes the place of the GS Standard Core Personnel Document or Personnel Document.
Town halls or informational sessions will be provided by officials at centers and complexes. These sessions will provide an AFMC AcqDemo overview, detail AFMC business rules and provide for question and answer sessions. Dates and locations of the town halls and informational sessions are forthcoming.
At an AcqDemo town hall meeting here in the AFMC headquarters on May 12, 2016, Gen. Ellen Pawlikowski, AFMC commander, said “AcqDemo takes the management of our civilian workforce out of the hands of the Air Force Personnel Center and puts it into the hands of MAJCOM leadership. AcqDemo allows supervisors the flexibility to hire the right people, develop skillsets as employees mature and reward employees based on their performance. Employees will be rewarded based on the effectiveness of their contributions, not by how long they have been here.”
The first AcqDemo appraisal cycle, the Contribution-based Compensation Appraisal System, will be an abbreviated cycle covering the period June 12 through Sept. 30, 2016. A contribution plan will be created as a joint effort by the employee and supervisor, and completed by July 1, 2016. The AFMC approved format for contribution plans is the Contribution, Results and Impacts format. Both AFMC AcqDemo employees and supervisors of AcqDemo employees, including military supervisors, should take advantage of Contribution Planning training to meet the July 1 deadline. The Contribution Planning module is available on-line, takes about 20 minutes, and can be found at the DOD AcqDemo site at
AFMC will provide supplemental training on how to write contribution plans in the CRI format. This CCAS tools seminar will cover an overview of the pay pool process, provide in-depth information on contribution planning and self-assessment writing and will be offered starting in June 2016. It should be noted that contribution plans may be updated at any time during the performance period, so contribution plans may be revised/adjusted after the AFMC supplemental training seminars. CCAS seminars will be offered on site at major AFMC locations, with Defense Collaboration Services web-conferencing sessions scheduled at minor locations.
For additional information on AcqDemo:
* Within AFMC, contact HQ AFMC/A1KA, (937) 257-0112, DSN 787-0112
* DOD Civilian Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project website