General Dynamics Mission Systems delivered 30 new two-channel Manpack networking radios to the U.S. Army for evaluation.
The digital radios are the first to be delivered by General Dynamics under the Army’s production contract awarded in March.
The digital radios by General Dynamics are based on the rigorously tested, evaluated and fielded AN/PRC-155 two-channel networking radios. The company has delivered more than 5,000 PRC-155 radios to the Army as part of a previous low-rate initial production order. The radios are the only fielded two-channel radios to successfully communicate using the Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) communications network.
“The General Dynamics radios incorporate the secure, network communications capabilities of the AN/PRC-155 along with technology and functionality improvements suggested by soldiers who have used the PRC-155 in combat,” said Paul Parent, vice president of Radio Products for General Dynamics Mission Systems. “By leveraging a proven radio design, the General Dynamics digital radio is the most capable and cost-effective next-generation tactical radio for the Army.”
The AN/PRC-155 MUOS-Manpack radio demonstrated its ability to connect military personnel using the MUOS network at a joint Navy-Army operational test in November 2015. In February 2016, during an Army demonstration in Hawaii, soldiers used the AN/PRC-155 radio to reach the MUOS network allowing soldiers to talk, collaborate and maintain communications aboard Army vessels and in various land-based locations.
General Dynamics Mission Systems radio products deliver secure voice and data communications for U.S. and international military and government customers. General Dynamics’ radios also provide long-term evolution broadband communications for law enforcement, emergency first responders and others who need the ability to connect and communicate anywhere, anytime.