LOS ANGELES —The Aviation Commission which reports to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is scheduled to meet in a public Zoom teleconference at 7 p.m., Sept. 29.
Scheduled to be considered in the virtual meeting, to be covered by Aerotech News online, are reports on matters of particular interest to North County communities served by Gen. William J. Fox Field in Lancaster, the largest of five airports owned and managed by the county Department of Public Works.
Leading with an update on transition of airports management from a private contractor to the Aviation Division of the Department of Public Works, the commission is expected to continue discussion about activities at Fox Field, and a proposed new marketing plan involving all county general aviation facilities.
To participate in the meeting, members of the public may visit Zoom and join by computer or smart phone. The unique URL for the meeting is https://pwlacounty.zoom.us/j/88616194046?pwd=dGRLWHpXWTBrMEswL0ZLR3JVeVZzZz09. When prompted, enter webinar ID: 857 9906 4465 | Passcode: 816413. To listen or participate, call (669) 900-9128 and enter access code: 857 9906 4465. Those wishing to participate during Public Comment, press *9 and wait to be called. A Spanish language translator will be available.
The next regular meeting of the Aviation Commission is scheduled for 10 a.m., Oct. 27.