The Palmdale Healing and Honor Field is once again open to the public at Pelona Vista Park in Palmdale, Calif.
The Field opened May 22 and will be open until 5 p.m., Memorial Day — May 30.
“Each flag bears the name of someone special, and a meaningful story associated with them,” said Palmdale Mayor Steve Hofbauer.
There will be a Memorial Day ceremony at 11 a.m., May 30.
While the Field is open to the pubic 24/7, the information booth will be open daily 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
The display features 1,000 flags creating a massive vista of red, white and blue honoring those who have become our heroes.
Flags honor those who serve/have served in the military, law enforcement, fire/EMT, or medical personal.
Proceeds from the Healing & Honor Field will benefit local veterans’ charities including American Legion Post 348, Antelope Valley Veterans Community Action Coalition, Coffee 4 Vets Point Man AV, VFW post 3000 and VFW Post 3552.