ARLINGTON, Va. — On June 2, Secretary of the Air Force Barbara M. Barrett, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein, and Chief of Space Operations Gen. John W. Raymond directed the Department of the Air Force Inspector General to conduct a review into racial disparity in the Department of the Air Force.
This effort is independent, under the direct authority of the Secretary. The intent is to ensure your voices are heard. Our report will tell it like it is, good or bad. And, once the report is complete, it will be widely and publicly available.
The review will be conducted in two phases. Phase one will assess African American racial disparity in our uniformed military discipline processes. Phase two will focus on African American racial disparity in our leader development system including enlisted, civilians and officers.
We recognize other disparities exist, and these should be reviewed as well. However, for this immediate effort to be effective and result in lasting and meaningful change, it must be narrowly targeted. The efforts that will be undertaken upon the completion of this review will not be exclusive to a single minority group. We’re confident the lessons we’ll learn and recommendations we’ll provide will benefit all of our Airmen and Space Professionals. This survey will allow all enlisted, civilian and officer members to voluntarily and anonymously share their experiences and thoughts on potential solutions.
The IG team has already begun to gather information contained in a wide array of previous reports, studies and various databases across the Department of the Air Force. Although the data is helpful, the most important information will come directly from our Airmen and Space Professionals. It is critical that we hear from you because you are a central part of the solution.
The Inspector General recently made it clear: “We want to make sure our Air and Space Professionals are able to share their experiences and concerns, and we want to empower them to be a part of the solution. Their voices will be heard and captured for the record. We have a tremendous opportunity here, and we will not waste it.”
In the coming days, enlisted, civilian and officer Airmen and Space Professionals across the services will receive an anonymous email survey facilitated by the Air Force Survey Office. Thank you for your participation and contribution to this effort, and thank you for the hard work you do every day in support of our Air Force and Space Force!