I am thankful for…


The collective Team March public affairs staff wishes a very safe and happy Thanksgiving weekend to all Team March members and their families. In preparation for this issue, we asked our Facebook fans and Team March members to complete this sentence:

I am thankful for…

Ms. Kelly Gonzalez: all that our husbands do to keep us safe, happy, and together while they are home and away.

Mr. Jack Easterling: the Boy Scouts’ picture at the Museum of us boys who lived on base back in the late 1940s; all the new friends we made as teenagers living in Green Acres and Dusty Acres on March Field from late 1945 to 1952; the Bob Hope shows on base; the chance to go out onto the flightline to see the first jets (Bell P59, Lockheed P80 Shooting Star, and later Boeing B29s); camping with the Scouts in Big Bear and taking PT boats from Long Beach to Catalina.

Ms. Lisa Lisa Lisa: my family, which includes my Air Force family as well as my Navy family!

Ms. Domenica Petrusa: our freedom and safety. Thank you U.S. Armed Forces.

Mr. Keith Mullins: the March Field Air Museum helping to preserve the history of the area.

Mr. DeWayne Mortensen II: a strong Inland Empire and its protective military presence which is ready always!

Mr. George Duggan: the good old U.S. of A!

Ms. Marissa Murguia: my family and all my friends, and thank you to all U.S. Military Branches.

Ms. Michelle Mears-Gerst: those who put God and country before selfish wants and desires.

Ms. Lynette Floyd: a loving family, good and close friends, living in a country free because of the dedication and sacrifices of our military. We have a lot to be thankful for.

Mr. John Florence: living in the best country and time throughout the history of earth. We have everything a human can ask for including heat, AC, running water, variety of food, shelter, transportation, soft beds and the list goes on and on. Even our poorest families live better than 90% of the world population going back to the beginning of time. We are truly lucky and more blessed than we will ever know just to be born in this awesome country during these wonderful times.

TSgt. Arthur Villegas: my family and friends that I have in my life. 

MSgt. Ameerah Beyah-Brewer: the sparkle in my children’s eyes, the friends and family that encourage and love me in all my endeavors, and the Nation that comes together crisis after crisis; for every individual who thanks me for wearing the uniform. I proudly serve them this Thanksgiving and always.

SMSgt. Keith Baxter: my family, friends and health. I am thankful my loved ones can live in safety and feel secure from those who may wish to do us harm. However, I am most thankful for my decision 22 years ago to enlist in the military. Everything I am and everything I have earned, I owe to the U.S. Air Force.

Maj. Mark Johnson: the brotherhood that is the United States Air Force.

MSgt. Andrew Davis: the ability to serve as an Air Force Reserve recruiter right back home here in Orange County for the 452nd AMW. It has allowed me to hit career goals I set for myself a long time ago – which in turn has allowed certain privileges for my wife and child.

Mr. Robert Kaschak: the ability to be able to do physical things, the opportunity to still function in my job, the heart and compassion to understand pain, help the suffering and the hope to be able to live a full life for the remaining days I have left with a healthy respect for all I come in contact with.

Lt. Col. Shawn Swarz: young people who continue to raise their hands and volunteer to enter the profession of arms.

Ms. Belem Morris: everything God has given me without deserving, including all the service men and women who have given their lives for us, when many of us don’t appreciate what they do for us.

Ms. Amanda Fairholt: my AF co-workers who have not only pushed me to be the best worker I can be, but also encourage me to accomplish my personal goals. THANK YOU GUYS!!!

Mr. Philip Navratil: GOD allowing me to wake up each day with the opportunity to serve the military men and women who keep our country safe and secure.

SrA Samantha White: my senses, which allow me to see, hear, and otherwise experience all the beautiful things in this world.

TSgt. Shane Olguin: my career in the Air Force and the job security that comes along with it.

SSgt. Edwin Ortiz: having a wonderful and loving wife and kids who have stayed strong while I have been gone supporting missions and for being part of my Heavenly Father’s Kingdom.

SMSgt. Lali Gomez: the gifts God gave me — my health, my family and especially my children, Joseph, 15, Sofia, 10, and Alicia, 6.

Maj. Gen. John Flournoy Jr: the incredible selfless service and dedication of all Citizen Airmen and civilians serving in Fourth Air Force.

Ms. Patricia Vegas: Jesus…my children…my mother…my brothers and sisters in Christ…my rooted church group…my women’s Bible study group…that my rooted group has given generously of their time, labor, and money to build showers for the homeless in Costa Mesa…for living in the United States…our ability to speak freely.

Mr. Elmer Little: all the Servicemen and women insuring our freedom on this holiday and every day.

Ms. Cheryl McDowell: being able to choose my attitude on a daily basis.

Mr. Everett Ahlbom: my country and the military who defend our freedom.

Capt. Daniel Greer: everything that God has given me – my family, friends, home, job, and a great Air Force aircraft to fly!

TSgt. Jill Lundgren: my husband who has taken on role of a father, grandpa, and uncle for my family. My grandchildren adore him and he is so wonderful with them. My niece and nephew love him and have a wonderful time when he’s around. It warms my heart to see him interact with them and see the joy he brings.

TSgt. Marcia Johnson: my daughter Samantha — for continuing to be a miracle in the making of God’s plan, having survived two bone marrow transplants at ages 3 1/2 and 4 3/4 for AML Leukemia, anticipating graduating in the spring of 2016 at CSUSB with her Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design, and watching her becoming a mature adult ready to take on what God has in store for her.

SrA Rachel Hollinger: my new baby boy, Charles, and how he and my husband have completed my little family.

TSgt Michael Reid: my loving wife.

Ms. Barbara Morris: all of my family (blood relatives and extended members and can’t forget my military family); and above all my lovely daughters who have given me the courage and will to set goals and accomplish them.

Ms. Pamela Smith: my health and strength, my family, and the many blessings god provides us each and every day.

MSgt. Eric Brasch: joining the Air Force Reserve over 29 years ago, thankful and proud for my service to our nation and especially thankful for the deeper appreciation and love I have and hold for my country and family.

TSgt. Cesar Villagran: per diem!!!

TSgt. Marcia Johnson: my daughter Samantha – for continuing to be a miracle in the making of God’s plan, having survived two bone marrow transplants at ages 3 1/2 and 4 3/4 for AML Leukemia, anticipating graduating in the spring of 2016 at CSUSB with her Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design, and watching her becoming a mature adult ready to take on what God has in store for her.

Mr. Tom Gillis: everyone who fights and stands up so we all can enjoy freedom and do the things we love.

Ms. Tylisha Julienne: the gratitude of my heart’s memories of family, life, love and laughter; God providing me with a heart of appreciation for the past, presence and the future; the ability to recognize the blessings of all things that have made my family and me who we are today; this day and every day of being part of the military family.

TSgt. Ritalynn Moss: my bad days because they make the good days better.

SMSgt. William Griffey: amazing children, great theatre, great friends, the ability to entertain, and blessing throughout the year – small and large.

MSgt. Adelina Quintero: having the opportunity to work beside some of the best leaders in the Air Force. The 452nd OSS is an amazing unit! Our leaders set the example and live by the Air Force core values both on and off duty, our commander, chief, and first sergeant pave the way and set the example both on and off duty. They truly care about our people and the mission. I cannot thank them enough for all they do. They go above and beyond and it is truly the best unit I’ve worked for both active and Reserve in serving more than 17 years. Thank you to all the 452nd OSS for your camaraderie. OSS we are the BEST!

SMSgt. Esteban Rodriguez: my family who keeps me grounded, my faith that keeps me sane, and my fellow Wingmen who watch out for me so that I can safely and return to my loved ones.

Lt. Col. Kimberly Savidan: my wrinkles as it means I laughed, my grey hair as it means I cared and my scars as it means I lived and served this great nation!

Mr. Magor James: the Lord blessings and everybody I meet, because there is something to learn from everybody – especially the very young and the old.

Ms. Malia Rabago: our troops! They work so hard to protect us without looking for something in return. It allows us to go on with our lives without disruption and worry so that we can enjoy the liberties and freedoms they afford us. I thank you and pray for you all!

Ms. Belinda Potter: all three of my boys visiting us for Thanksgiving this year. Sean is traveling from Wisconsin, Alec from Luke AFB, Arizona, and Brandon and Julie, my new daughter-in-law also from Luke AFB Arizona. Oh yeah and most of all thankful for such an amazing husband and father (Brad).

Mr. Andy Reynoso: all the Airmen who put service before self and excellence in all they do. Happy Thanksgiving to all who contribute to March ARB – civilian, reservist guardsman, AFR and active duty alike.

MSgt. Cynthia Spurgeon: my family, my home, friends and my job.

TSgt. Jason Blank: new family – the twins!

SrA Mia Sartain: only 40 days left of my deployment! I can’t wait to come home to my family, friends, and the 452 AMXS!

MSgt. Corinius Hill: the privilege of serving and protecting our nation, with the best Airmen, in the world’s greatest Air Force!!!

Mr. Anthony Paulsen: Jesus Christ being my one true Savior, my family and friends, but also all my brothers and sisters who have sacrificed so much of their lives in the military for this great country, making our world a better place in which to live.

Mr. Derek Sigars: Debbie Sigars, my supportive wife of 26 years, for sticking by my side through every peek and valley!! You are my rock, anchor, and best friend. Love Ya, Babe!

Ms. Deanie Lavergne: for my family, friends, and blessings that keep us safe.

Ms. Alma Jaravata: the gift of salvation through Christ, my personal Lord and Savior, who died and paid for my sins so I can have eternal life – to live my life as witness of His glory, His mercy and His faithfulness every single day ;-).

Capt. Malia Hoffmann: the privilege to serve in the world’s unrivaled Air Force.

SSgt. Sarah Bruen: my husband, who is a great friend and encourager.

MSgt. Kevin Jasper: for my family, without whose support, I would not be able to serve the way I have for the last 18 years here at March. I originally flew on the Cactus Flight up until it ended. I now drive once a month from Arizona to serve this great country of ours!

TSgt. Uldarico Penaranda Jr: family, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness and a grateful nation that supports the military. – AIM HIGH –

MSgt. Adrian Miranda: having a family who supports me unconditionally, and for the health for which we are so blessed.

Capt. Perry Covington: my wife and my daughters.

SrA Callie McNary: so many things – my wonderful family, my amazing friends, and the opportunities the Air Force has given me, both professionally and personally.

Ms. Linda Welz: my relationship with Jesus, my husband, kids and grandkids (even the four-legged ones), my freedom, my friends, my job, co-workers, and military members past and present. Wishing you all love, safety and abundant blessings this Thanksgiving!

SrA Ellen Claire Aniag: my health.

TSgt. Doreen Kelley: my God, my country, my job, but most of all, my children, without whom none of the rest would be as sweet.

TSgt. Marcy Swan: God’s grace and mercy, the little things in life that put a smile on my face, my USAFR supervisor – for her understanding and genuine Wingman attitude, these simple words, ‘I love you’ (from family) or ‘Good job!’ (from co-workers and supervisors).