The Army launched a new survey, which allows Soldiers to voice their concerns directly and anonymously to Army leadership.
The Department of the Army Career Engagement Survey is a survey for all Active Duty Soldiers. DACES replaces earlier exit surveys which were only given to Soldiers as they departed the Active Army.
DACES is a customized survey, with questions tailored to the individual Soldier based on their responses to previous questions. This reduces the amount of time required to take the survey by eliminating unnecessary questions. Although, the current version of DACES takes around fifteen minutes to complete, future versions will take even less time, as DACES will ask more specific questions based on an individual’s demographics. During the survey, Soldiers will also be provided a chance to request more information about career opportunities or to be contacted for additional information.
Starting in May, Soldiers will receive a link in their email inbox during their birth month directing them to the DACES web page. In addition to an annual birth month survey, all Soldiers will be required to complete the survey as part of their out-processing requirements when they depart the Army.
The Army will use the results of DACES to inform retention efforts. DACES will help the Army create retention incentives and quality of life programs in order to retain talent. DACES will not share the results of the survey with a Soldier’s chain of command or personnel manager, allowing Soldiers to share information candidly.
The first surveys have already been sent. Users may only take DACES if they are using a DOD-furnished computer on a DOD network, if they are connected to a DOD network through a VPN, or if they are using CITRIX.