Aerotech News and Review – Digital and Print Journal of Aerospace, Defense Industry and Veteran News, serving the Antelope Valley (“Aerospace Valley”) and Edwards AFB, CA. An Publication. – November 19, 2021
Click on the thumbnail below to view the latest digital edition.
Here are some highlights from this week’s issue:
Celebrating Veterans Day, and honoring AV’s own Jerry Lawrence: page 2
Photo feature: Lancaster Cemetery honors our nation’s veterans: page 3
Veterans Day at Legacy Park in Mojave: page 4
Jesse Jacobs: USAF veteran and experimental test pilot: page 7
High Desert Hangar Stories: The tale of a small but mighty war dog: page 8
“On This Date” photo feature: Vought V-173 “Flying Pancake”, Hiller X-18 V/STOL first flight and more: page 12
Aerospace Valley holds our military veterans in highest esteem, and the opportunity to honor their service and sacrifice is a privilege not taken lightly.