LOS ANGELES – Meetings of the Los Angeles County Airports Commission have changed this year from largely statistically-based staff reports on operations to two-way discussions from which commissioners extended their oversight role in advising the Board of Supervisors.
Working from a revised agenda and format focused on performance and project status, executive staff with the Aviation Division of the County Department of Public Works, gave commissioners more detailed information on longer range projections and progress reports and deadlines on more immediate activities.
Focusing on years-long inaction to update airport databases, and modernize public information technology systems, Division of Airports executives and commissioners voted 8-0 to create and appoint a subcommittee in February to expedite the airports marketing and public information hardware and software work. That discussion stimulated the thought that many people not involved in aviation are unaware of the economic, employment, public service and safety, recreational and commercial benefits a local airport brings to their communities.
It was suggested that one county airport put up a billboard at the entrance, alerting motorists to all the many benefits, activities and opportunities the airport had to offer.
Addressing tenant objections to research methods used by a county consultant in recommending rent and rate fees for airport users, division staff reported to commissioners the restrictions on airport revenue, and projections for insolvency without additional funds in a few years.