Editor’s note: The following is an article addressed to AETC Airmen:
AETC Airmen,
As our world changes and we evolve to meet today’s and tomorrow’s challenges, you — innovative and creative Airmen — will continue leading the way in protecting and defending our Constitution. I am proud to be your commander.
To best accomplish our mission to recruit, train, and educate Airmen to deliver Airpower for America, we must have a common path to guide us, and that’s why I’d appreciate you taking the time to read our 2016 Air Education and Training Command Strategic Plan at http://www.aetc.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/136/Article/642938/aetc-releases-2016-strategic-plan.aspx.
The plan centers on four vectors – four mutually supporting paths that help us support the U.S. Air Force’s overall strategy. Those vectors are:
- Motivational mission accomplishment
- Taking care of Airmen and their families
- Innovation
- Leadership
These vectors will help all of us continue producing quality Airmen who embody professional competence, have the desire and tools to take care of their fellow Airmen, and possess the character and strength to overcome any obstacle.
You’ll see that the plan is intentionally short. Your time is valuable and the guidance you get must be clear, concise and usable. I trust you’ll find it useful and encourage you to talk about it with your commanders, supervisors and colleagues. This is a team sport and each of you is critical to what we do.
Airpower really does start here in AETC! That’s who we are – The First Command. Forging innovative Airmen to power the world’s greatest Air Force.
Thank you for all you do!
Lt. Gen. Darryl Roberson
Air Education and Training Command commander