Thunderbolts working toward earning their Community College of the Air Force degree now have another helpful resource: a wingman.
The Luke Air Force Base education office offers a CCAF mentorship program. Thunderbolts who have received their CCAF can be trained how to offer assistance to those who want to pursue their CCAF.
“We developed this program to reach Airmen that might not be inclined to come to the education center,” said Sandra Cooper, 56th Force Support Squadron education counselor. “Airmen may be a little apprehensive about coming here, or may just need a few questions answered. We just started this program and have trained about 25 mentors so far. It is taking off great and we have had others asking to be mentors.”
Having a CCAF degree can increase chances of promotion or help to qualify an Airman for special duty assignments as well as applying the degree toward a bachelor’s degree. If an Airman chooses to leave the Air Force, the degree is accepted by most colleges to pursue a higher degree.
For Airman leaving the Air Force, some entry-level jobs require an associate degree to be considered and a CCAF can help meet those requirements.
For those interested in becoming a mentor, the education office holds training twice a month on the first and third Tuesday. Requirements for becoming a mentor is to have the CCAF completed, attend the training and the desire to help others.
“We have multiple personnel on different shifts as well as different agencies,” Tech. Sgt. Duane Coley, 56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron production NCO in charge. “This program can accommodate all Airmen despite shift, rank, age or Air Force specialty code. I want to help my fellow Airmen achieve getting his or her CCAF degree early in their career. I get a good feeling knowing I’ve helped a fellow Airman.”
Whether a career in the Air Force or a move back to civilian life is the plan, a CCAF degree is a great thing to have, and can help advance an Airman in whatever path they choose, Cooper said.
For more information on becoming a mentor, please call the education center at 623-856-7722.