The 56th Fighter Wing 2015 Maintenance Professional of the Year Banquet was March 5. The theme was Tutum Et Certa (Safe and Reliable). The banquet recognized the following outstanding performers across all maintenance career fields:
Maintenance professional
Airman: Senior Airman Teresa Nowak, 54th Maintenance Operations
NCO: Staff Sgt. Aleksandr Dolgikh, 61st Aircraft Maintenance Unit
Senior NCO: Master Sgt. Charles Loftus, 56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
Company grade officer: 1st Lt. Fallynne Wright, 54th MO
Civilian (Category I): William Biggs, 56th EMS
Civilian (Category II): Garth Alexander, 56th Component Maintenance Squadron
Support professional
Airman: Senior Airman Bailey Busby, 54th MO
NCO: Tech. Sgt. Brandon Savage, 56th AMXS
Senior NCO: Master Sgt. Ian Snowsill, 56th Maintenance Group
Civilian (Category I): Mark Palmer, 56th CMS
Civilian (Category II): Michael Dodge, 56th CMS
Load crew: Crew 93, 425th AMU, Military Expert 2 Toh and Military Experts 1 Neo and Lim
Technician: Senior Airman Nicholas Gardner, 54th AMXS
Supervisor: SSgt Eduardo Hernandez, 54th Maintenance Squadron
Manager: Senior Master Sgt. Donald Corriere, 54th FG
Leo Marquez
Technician: Senior Airman Nickolas St. Amour, 54th Maintenance Operations
Technician supervisor: Tech. Sgt. Koreco Moorer, 314th Fighter Squadron
Supervisor manager: Master Sgt. Robert Bogie, 56th EMS
Company grade manager: 1st Lt. Fallynne Wright, 54th MO
Field grade manager: Maj. Jessica Williams, 56th AMXS AETC
Technician: Senior Airman John Stewart, 56th AMXS AETC
Civilian technician: Terry Nelson, 56th EMS AETC
Technician supervisor: Staff Sgt. Jeffery Hunt, 56th AMXS (PCS)
Technician supervisor manager: Master Sgt. Carlos Villanueva, 49th AMXS
Company grade manager: Capt. Talon Pope, 56th CMS AETC
General Lew Allen Jr. Trophy
Senior NCO: Master Sgt. James Yount, 56th AMXS
Officer: Maj. Wesley Wade, 56th MXG
Crew chief : Tech. Sgt. Robert James, 56th AMXS
AMU: 310th AMU