CCAF mentorship training
The 56th Force Support Squadron Education Center will offer on-going Community College of the Air Force mentorship training at 8:30 a.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month in the education center in Bldg 1150. The program provides guidance on using the Air Force Virtual Education Center and training for mentors who want to assist Airmen seeking a CCAF in their workplace. The requirements are to have completed a CCAF degree and possess a desire to mentor fellow Airmen. For more information, call education center at 623-856-7722.
Luke Experience presents …
Luke Experience is presenting a “Flashback to the 80s” at 7 p.m. April 8 and 9, and 2 p.m. April 10 at the Luke Air Force Base Theater. The show is family friendly and admission is free. For more information, call Lacey Quattlebaum at 623-856-9949.
Air Show VIP Experience
General admission is free to the Luke Air Force Base 75 Years of Air Power Air Show, but attenders can be part of the VIP experience by purchasing tickets to the Luke Hospitality Tent at Tickets are $110 per person age 13 and up, $75 per youth ages 6 through 12, and free for children under age 5 with a paying adult. For more information, call Club Five Six at 623-856-6446.
Air Force Assistance Fund
The Air Force Assistance Fund is an annual effort to raise funds to support Air Force families in need. The campaign runs from through April 29. The goal for unit representatives is to have a 100 percent contact rate with active-duty personnel. For more information, go to
AADD volunteers for dining in
Airmen Against Drunk Driving is seeking 10 volunteers to support the Spouses Dining In event at 7 p.m. April 8 in Hangar 999. To sign up or for more information, call Master Sgt. Charles Loftus at 623-856-5712 or email
Local PTSA recruitment
The schools surrounding Luke Air Force Base have Parent, Teacher and Student Associations and are looking to increase participation by recruiting parents and students to get involved. PTSA exists to help children reach their potential by engaging families and communities to advocate for children. PTSA is not a fundraising organization; however, they do raise money for student activities. Schools want children to participate in fun, family friendly experiences that allow them to not only work hard for their future but to be children and have fun while attending school. For more information, call Roxane Dietrich, LAFB’s School Liaison Officer at 623-856-6550.
Mission-essential materials
Funding is now available for offices to submit their mission-essential requirements for periodicals and books through the Luke Air Force Base Library. For more information, call Pam Lum at 623-856-3893.
AFAF campaign
The Air Force Assistance Fund is an annual effort to raise funds to support Air Force families in need. The campaign runs from March 21 through April 29. The goal for unit representatives is to have a 100 percent contact rate with active-duty personnel. For more information, go to
SOAR commissioning
For Airmen wishing to submit a commissioning package for the Air Force ROTC program, Scholarships for Outstanding Airmen to ROTC, the submission date to Air Education and Training Command is Sept. 15. Waivers are due Sept. 1. For more information, visit the education center or call 623-856-7722.
Single Airmen free golf
The Recharge for Resiliency program is offering free golf clinics and tournaments for single Airmen 1 to 5 p.m. April 17 or May 15 at Falcon Dunes Golf Course. The clinics are limited to 16 students per clinic and include clubs, range balls, golf cart, green fee and awards. For more information, call 623-535-9334.