The following is a list of administrative actions and Articles 15 issued in May at Luke Air Force Base:
56th Operation Support Squadron
Administrative discharges
• An airman basic was discharged for drug abuse.
56th Maintenance Group
Articles 15
• A technical sergeant received nonjudicial punishment for providing alcohol to minors. The individual received a reduction to staff sergeant, suspended reduction to senior airman, suspended forfeiture of $1,573 pay per month for two months and 15 days extra duty.
• An airman first class received nonjudicial punishment for dereliction of duty by consuming alcohol under the legal age of 21 years. The individual received a suspended reduction to airman, suspended forfeiture of $878 pay per month for two months and a reprimand.
• A senior airman received nonjudicial punishment for wrongful use of Adderall. The individual received reduction to airman first class, suspended forfeiture of $878 pay per month for two months, and a reprimand.
Administrative discharges
• A senior airman was discharged for failure in alcohol abuse treatment.
• An airman was discharged for multiple minor disciplinary infractions.
• An airman first class was discharged for multiple minor disciplinary infractions.
56th Mission Support Group
• A technical sergeant was found guilty of one charge and two specifications in violation of UCMJ Article 80, attempt to commit a sexual act upon a child under the age of 16 years, and attempt to commit lewd acts upon a child under the age of 16 years. The individual received a reduction to airman basic, confinement for two years and a dishonorable discharge from service.
• A senior airman was found guilty of one charge and one specification in violation of UCMJ Article 92, dereliction of duty by negligently failing to stay awake during normal duty hours, and one charge and one specification in violation of UCMJ Article 107, false official statements with intent to deceive. The individual received confinement for five days and a reprimand.
Articles 15
• An airman first class received nonjudicial punishment for failure to obey a lawful order. The individual received a suspended reduction to airman, forfeiture of $878 pay per month for two months and a reprimand. The portion of the forfeiture in excess of $124 pay per month for two months was suspended.
• An airman first class received nonjudicial punishment for wrongful use of marijuana. The individual received a reduction to airman, suspended forfeiture of $878 pay per month for two months and a reprimand.
• A staff sergeant received nonjudicial punishment for falsifying official fitness assessment records for self and another Airman. The individual received a reduction to senior airman, suspended forfeiture of $1,241 pay and a reprimand.
Administrative discharges
• An airman first class was discharged for unsatisfactory performance of duties.
56th Medical Group
Articles 15
• A staff sergeant received nonjudicial punishment for misuse of a government travel card during non-travel periods. The individual received a reduction to the rank of senior airman and a reprimand.
• An airman first class received nonjudicial punishment for being absent without leave for four duty days and making false official statements. The individual received a reduction to airman, a suspended forfeiture of $878 pay per month for two months, 15 days extra duty and a reprimand.
• A staff sergeant received nonjudicial punishment for failure to show up for weekend duty. The individual received forfeiture of $700 pay per month for two months, seven extra duty days and a reprimand.
Administrative discharges
• An airman was discharged for multiple minor disciplinary infractions.
Punishments for similar offenses may vary from case to case based on the circumstances of the offense and factors such as an offender’s age, military and disciplinary record, financial condition, and suitability for continued service. To ensure fair administration of justice throughout the Luke AFB community, the legal office reviews all cases.