The 56th Security Forces Squadron handled the following incidents June 27 through July 31 at Luke Air Force Base:
Security forces issued citations for 41 moving and 11 nonmoving violations.
Traffic-related incidents
June 29: Security forces responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident near the satellite pharmacy. There were no injuries.
June 29: Security forces responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident near Bldg. 330. The driver struck a curb, flattening a tire. There were no injuries.
July 1: Security forces responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident near the Exchange. There were no injuries.
July 4: Security forces responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident near the commissary. There were no injuries.
July 7: Security forces responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident near Bldg. 1266. There were no injuries.
July 13: Security forces responded to a report of a major vehicle accident at South Gate. There were no injuries. Glendale police responded and took control.
July 13: Security forces responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident near Bldg. 431. There were no injuries.
July 18: Security forces responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident on Perimeter Road. There were no injuries. One individual was cited.
July 18: Security forces responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident near Bldg. 931. There were no injuries. One individual was cited.
July 20: Security forces responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident near the commissary. There were no injuries.
July 23: Security forces identified an individual with an open container attempting to enter to the installation. The individual was detained until Glendale police responded and took control. The individual was cited and released.
July 28: Security forces responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident near Bldg. 909. There were no injuries.
July 29: Security forces responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident in the mass parking area. There were no injuries.
July 29: Security forces responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident near Bldg. 1150. There were no injuries.
July 31: Security forces responded to a report of a minor vehicle accident near the base exchange. There were no injuries.
Emergency responses
June 30: Security forces responded to a report of a domestic disturbance in base housing. Security forces arrived on scene, separated individuals and took a report. Glendale police responded and took control.
July 1: Security forces responded to a report of a missing person with dementia. Security forces located the individual who was escorted back to family.
July 4: Security forces responded to a report of a medical emergency at the South Gate. Security forces controlled traffic for arrival of medical services. The individual reportedly slipped off the curb injuring an ankle and was transported to a hospital.
July 4: Security forces responded to a report of an individual with heat exhaustion at Fowler Park. Security forces controlled traffic for arrival of medical services. The individual was transported to Phoenix Children’s Hospital.
July 5: Security forces responded to a medical emergency in base housing. Security forces identified an unconscious individual who had complained of chest pains. The individual was transported to a hospital.
July 14: Security forces responded to a report of a medical emergency in housing. The individual appeared to be suffering from an altered state of consciousness and was transported to a hospital.
July 15: Security forces responded to a report of a gate runner at South Gate. Security forces stopped the vehicle and identified two unaffiliated civilians. The two were barred from base and escorted off the installation.
July 15: Security forces responded to a report of a medical emergency in the CE compound. An individual reported having chest pains. The individual was transported to a hospital.
July 24: Security forces responded to a report of a medical emergency at the mass parking area. The individual was reportedly suffering from severe fever and lightheadedness. The individual was transported to a hospital.
Nonemergency responses
July 1: Security forces identified an individual with an active warrant attempting to enter the installation through the South Gate Visitors Center. Glendale police responded and took control.
July 3: Security forces responded to a report of shoplifting at the Luke AFB Exchange. Security forces viewed the surveillance tape identifying a retired military member attempting to depart without rendering payment. Glendale police responded and took control.
July 5: Security forces identified an individual with an active warrant attempting to enter the installation through the South Gate Visitors Center. Glendale police responded and took control.
July 8: Security forces responded to a report of shoplifting at the Exchange. Security forces viewed the surveillance tape identifying an individual attempting to depart without rendering payment. Glendale police responded and took control.
July 9: Security forces responded to a report of shoplifting at the Exchange. Security forces viewed the surveillance tape identifying an individual attempting to depart without rendering payment. Glendale police responded and took control.
July 11: Security forces identified an individual attempting to enter the base at South Gate Visitors Center with an active warrant. Glendale police responded and took control.
July 14: Security forces responded to a report of shoplifting at the base exchange. Security forces viewed the surveillance tape identifying an individual attempting to depart without rendering payment. Glendale police responded and took control.
July 15: Security forces identified an individual with an active warrant attempting to enter the base at South Gate Visitors Center. Glendale police responded and took control.
July 17: Security forces responded to a report of shoplifting at the Exchange. Security forces viewed the surveillance tape identifying an individual attempting to depart without rendering payment. Glendale police responded and took control.
July 21: Security forces identified two individuals with active warrants attempting to enter the installation at the South Gate Visitors Center. Glendale police responded and took control.
July 22: Security forces responded to reports of shoplifting at the Exchange. Security forces viewed the surveillance tape identifying an individual attempting to depart without rendering payment. Glendale police responded and took control.
July 28: Security forces identified an individual discovered to have contraband during a random vehicle inspection. Glendale police responded and issued a citation to the individual. The individual was released.
Alarm activations
Security forces responded to 41 alarm activations on base.
Tip of the week
While playing Pikémon Go on base, be cooperative if police stop you on a report of being suspicious. Understand community concerns are greater than game playing. Calmly explain what you are doing and show police you are willing to listen. Resisting or being uncooperative creates more suspicion.