Each year, military members are required to complete specific medical requirements for their individual medical readiness. Completing these requirements ensures the member is worldwide qualified, medically fit to deploy and effectively completing the mission. IMR is one of the key components to medical readiness and each member is responsible for maintaining an up-to-date record at all times. Requirements for IMR include: Immunizations, dental, laboratory tests, profiles, preventive health assessment questionnaire/mental health assessment and any medical equipment, such as gas mask inserts.
Each requirement is color-coded based on its medical readiness status:
GREEN: Requirement is up to date.
YELLOW: Requirement is currently due and needs to be accomplished ASAP.
RED: Requirement is overdue and unit leadership is notified of the status
PINK: Requirement is optional
Your IMR can be verified by searching IMR/ASIMS on AF PORTAL by visiting https://asims.afms.mil/imr/MyIMR.aspx, or going through your unit health monitor. When accessing the IMR link, members have the ability to print their own AF 469/422, DD2766c (shot records) and family member immunizations. Members also have the capabilities to apply for retraining, commissioning physicals, initial flying class physicals, and overseas PCS clearance.
It is the active-duty member’s responsibility to be current on all IMR requirements. The UHM and unit commander are responsible for tracking/ensuring IMR currency for their unit. Readiness is a high priority in the military. Staying up to date on IMR is critical to overall mission effectiveness and gives the Air Force the ability to provide healthy forces to the many global operations we are involved in.
For more information regarding your IMR status, contact your UHM or public health at 623-856-6174 or 623-856-6176.