Members of the 15th Attack Squadron get their heads shaved for a fundraiser March 11 in Las Vegas. The members shaved their heads to show support to children who have been diagnosed with cancer.
LAS VEGAS — Airmen from the 15th Attack Squadron, Creech Air Force Base, Nevada, shaved their heads for a fundraiser to support a childhood cancer organizations on March 11, 2017, in Las Vegas.
Miss Nevada Teen USA Alexis Smith, shaved 2nd Lt. Kyle’s hair for the fundraiser. Kyle is a 15th Attack Squadron MQ-1 Predator pilot. He and other members of his unit hope to support children who have been diagnosed with cancer.
In addition to other unit members, Capt. Michael, also a MQ-1 Predator pilot, supported the fund raiser by having his head shaved.
The members raised approximately $2,000 to go toward childhood cancer cures and to support research for childhood cancer cures.
Capt. Michael, 15th Attack Squadron MQ-1 Predator pilot, has his head shaved in an effort to raise funds for childhood cancer organizations March 11 in Las Vegas. Donations went to support research for childhood cancer cures.
Miss Nevada Teen USA Alexis Smith, shaves 2nd Lt. Kyle’s hair for a fundraiser, March 11 in Las Vegas. Kyle is a 15th Attack Squadron MQ-1 Predator pilot. He and other members of his unit shaved their heads in support of children who have been diagnosed with cancer.
Members of the 15th Attack Squadron gather after shaving their heads for a fundraiser to support childhood cancer organizations March 11 in Las Vegas. The members raised approximately $2,000 to go toward childhood cancer cures.