The 2023 Las Vegas Veterans Day Parade, sponsored by the Veterans Action Group, is scheduled for 10 a.m.-noon, Saturday, Nov. 11.
The parade route starts at the corner of 4th Street and Garces Ave., and concludes at 4th Street and Stewart Avenue. The parade will kick off with a flyover. A map of the parade route is available at
This year’s parade includes:
- Veteran Service Organizations
- Veterans Group
- Active Duty, Reserve Units and the Nevada National Guard
- ROTC and Junior ROTC units
- Marching Bands
- Drill Teams
- Scouts
- Dance Schools and Youth Groups
- Car and Motorcycle Clubs, and
- Local businesses, hotels and casinos
The Veterans Action Group is organized “To maintain honor and respect for all the sacrifices made for our country by its veterans and their families.”
Following the parade, the Nevada State Veterans Services will be hosting a Veterans Day ceremony at the Nevada State Veterans Memorial outside the Grant Sawyer Building (555 E. Washington Ave.) beginning at 1:30 p.m.
The event also features the NDVS Veteran of the Month, Veteran Supporter of the Month, and Youth Serving Veterans Awards ceremony.