Victory over trials
Do you want to be victorious over your trials? Do you over/under think things? Do you base your decisions on how you feel? Do you have a will to be successful?
Allow me to let you in on a little secret. To be victorious over trials your mind, your emotions, and your will must be in one accord. These three can function together, but there are times when they are at odds with one another.
When I was 12 years old, I was playing with my two friends in the woods. On this particular day, we were playing at the creek. As we followed the creek, we saw several snakes. We eventually came to a tree that crossed the creek. We decided to cross the fallen tree. I was the last one to cross over on the tree and just as I got toward the end, I lost my balance and fell into the water. I was immediately struck with fear and panic as visions of snakes came to my mind. I just knew a water moccasin, or two, or three was going to attack me! I was so overwhelmed with fear that I flailed in the water and screamed for help. My two friends, being very helpful buddies, just stood there laughing at me! I finally got a hold of myself, scurried to the bank, grabbed a tree root, which I feared the snakes were behind, and climbed out as fast as I could. I was safe no thanks to my buddies.
My will was to get out of the water. But, my thoughts were of snakes and dying which triggered the emotion of fear. My will, my mind, and my emotions were fighting against one another. It was not until my will to get out of the water, overrode my negative thoughts and emotions that I was able to calm down and think realistically about how to “save” myself.
Our will is informed by our faith. It serves as the stabilizer of life. When emotions and thoughts run rampant, our will, guided by faith, provides resolve and strength.