Staff Sgt. Destiny Sandoval, 56th Maintenance Group unit training manager, briefs Airmen on education and training during the Airmen Professional Enhancement Course May 18, 2017, at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz. AMNPEC features various briefings and panels to develop senior airmen and airmen first class as better leaders and followers.
Airmen at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz., now have an opportunity to participate in an Airman Professional Enhancement Course to develop their leadership, as well as followership skills.
The First Term Airman Center held their second AMNPEC May 15 through 19 featuring briefings aimed at developing Airmen.
“The course mirrors NCOPEC and SNCOPEC,” said Tech. Sgt. Corliss Layman, 56th Force Support Squadron FTAC team lead. “We teach Airmen about followership, ethics, retraining, team building and motivation. We also have chief and first sergeant panels where Airmen have the opportunity to ask questions.”
Those with the rank of Senior Airman and Airman 1st Class with at least 28 months time in service can participate in the AMNPEC.
“I would encourage having an AMNPEC at bases that don’t have one,” Layman said. “Having an AMNPEC gives Airmen another development opportunity as we try to prepare them for eventual NCO responsibilities.”
According to Layman, FTAC held its first AMNPEC in March and anticipates holding one each quarter.
One Airman shares his thoughts on the course.
“It’s all about what you take from it,” said Senior Airman Kevin Dawson, 56th Comptroller Squadron financial services technician. “I’m learning about being a follower and a leader. Even if you have gone through Airman Leadership School it’s a nice reboot, refresher and a great way to develop Airmen further.”
For more information or to reserve a spot in a future AMNPEC, contact FTAC at 623-856-6357.