Thunderbolts have the opportunity to contribute to the 2018 “Show Some Love” Combined Federal Campaign until Dec. 14, 2018.
The mission of the CFC is to promote and support philanthropy through a program that is employee focused, cost-efficient and effective in providing all federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all.
“In the past there have been monetary goals but it is harder to measure these days so instead we made a goal of 100 percent contact,” said 2nd Lt. Sarah Oppenheim, 56th Logistics Readiness Squadron Vehicle Management officer in charge. “This means our group representatives have talked to every person in the group and our squadron representatives have talked to every person in the squadron so at least people are aware.”
The campaign provides Department of Defense service members, civilian employees and families the chance to donate to a cause that they feel most connected with.
“The CFC consolidates all the charities and gives you categories such as local charities or ones for environmental conservation,” said Oppenheim. “It then allows you to choose from whatever charity you feel passionate about and set up an allotment to go to that charity every month.”
There are three ways to donate towards the multitude of approved charitable organizations. Pledges can be made by filling out the paper pledge card, filling out an online pledge or by requesting an automatic payroll deduction. There is also a new option on the website to donate rather than money, your time in the form of volunteer hours.
The 56th Medical group will be hosting eight local charities Dec. 3 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Bldg. 1130 in the 1st floor conference room. Each charity will have a display table set up giving Airmen the opportunity to learn about the charity and donate to the CFC.
For more information about CFC contact your unit representative or Oppenheim at 623-856-7167.