Staff Sgt. Beth Kenney, 56th Dental Squadron dental assistant, wears an N95 respirator mask while misted with a sensitivity and fit test solution April 1, 2020, at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz. The outer hood isolates the spray, and if the N95 mask is properly fitted, the individual wearing the mask will not smell or taste the solution. Bioenvironmental personnel are fitting masks to protect medical personnel from Coronavirus Disease 2019 so they can continue care for patients.
Senior Airman Gregory Rackley, 56th Bioenvironmental Engineer technician, pours sensitivity solution into a nebulizer before a protective mask fitting test April 1, 2020, at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz. Sensitivity and fit test solutions are bitter liquids the bioenvironmental section sprays on N95 respirator masks to test their seal. Individual wearing the cover will taste the solution if the seal is faulty. Bioenvironmental personnel are fitting masks to minimize possible exposure to COVID-19 for medical personnel to continue care for patients.
Senior Airman Andrew Hetzler, 56th Bioenvironmental Engineer technician, mists a bitter sensitivity solution in to a qualitative fit test hood worn by Karen St. Aubin, 56th Dental Squadron dental technician, April 1, 2020, at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz. Bio uses the hood to contain the solution while helping ensure N95 masks worn by medical personnel fit properly. In this case, Aubin is being exposed to the solution to familiarize her with its smell without the N95 mask. The bioenvironmental personnel are helping Luke combat Coronoavirus Disease 2019 by ensuring protective equipment is working properly to maximize protection for medical personnel. The 56th Medical Group is following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines and working closely with Arizona health officials to minimize the spread of COVID-19 at Luke AFB and the surrounding community.
Bioenvironmental protects medical staff from COVID-19