Airman 1st Class Dillon Goss, 99th Security Forces Squadron armorer, locks up a firearm in the armory at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Feb. 9. Weapons and ammunition kept within the armory walls are kept in separate containers that are constantly locked and under the close supervision of 99th SFS members.
NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — There is a lot of misunderstanding on who can carry a weapon on base.
In simple terms, no one is authorized open or concealed carry of a privately owned weapon on base.
There are a few exceptions for duty related arming, transit to and from the gun club and for those authorized to store weapons in base housing.
Open or concealed carry of any firearm is prohibited on Nellis and Creech Air Force Bases regardless if the individual has a concealed carry permit. For duty related arming, the most common programs are the Unit Marshal, Security Forces Staff Arming, and Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act.
“The Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act is the only one of the three programs that allows concealed carry of a firearm and only by credentialed and approved law enforcement personnel,” said Capt. Andrew York, 99th Air Base Wing commanders executive officer.
Airman 1st Class Dillon Goss, 99th Security Forces Squadron armorer, puts away a firearm in the armory at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Feb. 9. Open or concealed carry of any firearm is prohibited on Nellis and Creech Air Force Bases regardless if the individual has a concealed carry permit. For duty related arming, the most common programs are the Unit Marshal, Security Forces Staff Arming, and Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act.
The Unit Marshal and Security Forces Staff Arming programs are open carry of a government duty weapon while in the performance of their duties. Personnel authorized to arm in these situations will be specifically notified and approved by their commanding officer.
Off-base residents are not allowed to bring privately owned firearms onto the installation with the exception of transporting privately owned weapons directly to and from the Rod and Gun Range.
A concealed carry permit, regardless of state of issue, does not entitle the holder to bring a privately owned weapon on base or into base housing. For residents living in base housing, they can either store their weapons in the armory or with the proper approvals via their commanding officer and the 99th Security Forces Squadron Armory, maintain weapons in their residence. A significant exception is the dormitories and the temporary living facilities; storage of weapons or ammunition in these facilities are prohibited.
For more information on the possession of personal firearms on base or the registration process call the Security Forces Armory at 702 652-9515.
For more information on obtaining a concealed weapons permit for off-base use, contact the Rod and Gun Club at 702 652-1937.