NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — For Air Force operators in the sky, mission planning always starts with the Air Force Tactics, Techniques and Procedures Threat Guides. These guides provide key mission planning information where aircrew or cyber and space specialists can investigate targets and learn how to overcome them.
In the past, the threat guide use to be almost 5,000 pages of information where there was no way an Airman could read it and use the information efficiently. Now, the 561st Joint Tactics Squadron has brought the information online where users can access specific chapters they are looking for.
“The way we are producing and publishing the AFTTP 3-1 Threat Guide is new and it is centered on the warfighter to ensure they receive information that is easily accessible and is timely and relevant,” said Col. Deanna Violette, 561st JTS commander. “Previously we would publish a manual that was nearly 5,000 pages, but now we are breaking it up into chapters that are pertinent and are on a timeline that meets the warfighters needs.”
Not only do the threat guides cater to U.S. forces, the guides are also used by over 40 coalition partners.
“We publish the tactics for the United States Air Force where we do those in the form of Air Force Tactics Techniques and Procedures 3-1 and 3-3AFTTP’s, flash bulletins which gets information out in a more immediate manners and tactics bulletins that are well vetted documents,” said Violette. “We support over 40 nations, so the combination of what we do for the Air Force and our coalition is essential the playbook for the joint force air component in theatre.”
With the threats that Airmen face while down range, the threat guide is aimed to help Airmen out whenever a situation arises.
“Everything that can harm our Airmen down range will be covered in the threat guide,” said Brian Safrit, 561st JTS director of production. “So anything from small arms to radar guided surface to air missiles to even cyber and space warfare, the guide covers all threats against individuals, facilities, and airplanes.”
For Airmen needing to use the AFTTP 3-1 threat guide, The 561st JTS has recently developed and implemented the Air Force Tactics Read File, a single-source active notification system providing warfighters the latest tactics, test reports and timely updates to warfighting doctrine, which will include the new threat guides.
With two chapters already published online, the 561st JTS plans on having all chapters published by September, where Airmen can located any information they may need.
“Often times, the 3-1 threat guide is all people have to start mission planning,” said Safrit. “They may be digging into other intelligence sources, but most everyone starts with the threat guide when there is a new threat to handle the situation.”
Airmen who are looking to use the online version of the AFTTP 3-1 Threat Guide can go to the 561st JTS Intel share site.