Desert Lightning News Nellis-Creech AFB – Serving Nellis AFB, Creech AFB, Las Vegas NV and surrounding communities
Welcome to the Nellis-Creech AFB Desert Lightning News digital edition! This week, we salute Lt. Col. Andrew Huntoon, 57th Maintenance Group deputy commander and a recipient of the 2017 Gen. Lew Allen Jr. Award. The annual Air Force level award, named after the 10th Chief of Staff of the Air Force, recognizes the outstanding performances of Air Force officers and enlisted personnel involved in aircraft, munitions or missile maintenance. Well Done! Also recognized this week are SSgt. Alyson Venegas, SrA. Linda Wilson, and SrA. Logan Bennett, 99th Medical Group Aerospace Medical Technicians and recipients of this year’s Hero of Military Medicine Ambassador Award, for their heroic life-saving efforts during the tragic Las Vegas shooting on Oct. 1, 2017 (see page 3). We salute these local heroes and thank them for their service to our community. And if you’re in the mood for a “war” story that’s a little sweeter and a lot of fun, click through to our center spread for Cupcake Wars! – an all-out battle that played out at Nellis’ Crosswinds Dining Facility earlier this month. All this, along with community news and events, is here for you in this week’s issue of Desert Lightning News! Hard copies of the paper will be available on Nellis, Creech and throughout Las Vegas Friday morning. Pick one up when you’re out and about this weekend, or click on the link above for a digital edition, viewable on your computer or mobile device.“Like” our Facebook page for daily news updates and access to our website, story and photo archivesIt’s our privilege to serve you – have a great week! #aerotechnews #nellisafbnews #creechafbnews